22 juillet 2015. Precious

What is it with those fish? Are they so precious that they wont even consider the lures I offer them so generously? Is it the packaging date?
« Yuk, 2013, I’m not touching that trash! »
Or is it the blinding speed of RUSEE under her spinakker?
« What, race against that? »
At last a summer day; busy with the « RESEAU DU CAPITAINE », the setting (and dousing) of the tri-radial then the genoa then the asymetric. Shower (1st), clean the galley, cook… I’m done for.
Pos: 41 09N, 40 40W, (moved the ship’s clock one hour), COG 111T, SOG 5.8 (that’s down from 9+) DST: 449
No fish, I’ll settle for green « petits pois » and mini shell pasta with mint.
Dominique-Koukie, I love you. Hope somebody baked you a cake.
Yves 🙂

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